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Friday, November 22, 2013

Tee Shirts Rug

Each color represents a Tee shirt that I was given by family and friends. Once cut into strips and stretched into long fibers suitable for weaving, the hard work is done. It weaves up fast since the fibers are thick. However, the warp was a problem, Swedish cotton warp. It was slippery and stretchy and made it difficult to keep tension. Unfortunately I have more of this warp on the loom to use up. Perhaps retying it will solve the tension problem, well I mean, it WILL solve it. This will be down in a bathroom in the craft studio(apartment). The process is long and I have so many other projects that weaving with teeshirts will sit on the loom for months. But at least I can say I have done this and made good use of the tee shirts that noone wanted. I will try to crochet with the fibers next and that will go faster.   Please don't send me any more tee shirts...

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