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Friday, April 16, 2010

Sock Monkey

Socko, the first of many sock monkeys that we will add to our crochet inventory as we prepare for the summer craft fairs in and around the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. He was a joy to make and Jessica my daughter named him Fred . As Socko, he will be joined by the next one, Jocko, that will look like a rag sock.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spinning Away

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing the pile of unspun wool shrink in size. It's exciting to see the color and appearance of the final yarn, too. It's been a great activity during early spring rainy weather!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Newspaper Pots for Seedlings

Is it just me, or do you all agree this winter has gone by fast? I can hardly believe it's already time to start this year's garden seeds. Rather than using my old plastic pots again, I decided to try this approach of recycling old newspapers and making them into pots for my tomato and pepper seedlings. It's easy to do with this nifty little wooden apparatus. I'm curious to see how well they hold up until it's time to transplant into larger containers.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Terra Loom

This is our first Terra Loom  made from peeled cedar posts and some twine. Kyla wove in some twigs for the birds to stand on and some popcorn, apples and berries for them to eat. Add some grass and ribbon for color. When it is a little bare, weave anything you like into it.  Remove the tapestry to hang on a wall or porch and make another one. We will be making more looms of birch, unpeeled cedar and beaver chewed wood. A smaller table top version called a Dream Loom, is underway. These will be ready in time for the summer. Contact us if you are interested in a purchase.